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UGREENUGREEN 10191 USB-C Charger 20WEquipped with a USB-C port, this charger provides you max. 20W output power and can charge an iPhone Xs up to 50% in just 30 minutes. With the intelligent chip inside, the USB-C wall charger matches the current as your device´s need automatically.0 17811781RUB1781RUB
UGREEN 10191 USB-C Charger 20W в Лесосибирске
Equipped with a USB-C port, this charger provides you max. 20W output power and can charge an iPhone Xs up to 50% in just 30 minutes. With the intelligent chip inside, the USB-C wall charger matches the current as your device´s need automatically.
UGREEN 20W PD Kepala Charger Super Fast USB Charger #short #shopeehaul #shopee #shopeegratisongkir
UGREEN 20W PD Kepala Charger Super Fast USB Charger #short #shopeehaul #shopee #shopeegratisongkirUGREEN 20W PD Kepala Charger Super Fast USB Charger #short #shopeehaul #shopee #shopeegratisongkir
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